Updated Planning Practice Guidance - Self-build and custom housebuilding

date Released On 16th Feb 2021

Updated Planning Practice Guidance - Self-build  and custom housebuilding

tools and workbenchThree Dragons welcomes the updated Planning Practice Guidance - Self-build and custom housebuilding, published on 8th February (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/self-build-and-custom-housebuilding). The guidance was first introduced in 2016 to support the Self & Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 and this update is the most wide-ranging since the guidance was expanded in 2017. As an increasing number of local authorities are looking to diversify their housing offer to respond to local interest in this type of housing, the amended PPG strengthens and clarifies the ways in which this demand can be planned for and met but retains the basic definition that

Self-build and custom housebuilding covers a wide spectrum, from projects where individuals are involved in building or managing the construction of their home from beginning to end, to projects where individuals commission their home, making key design and layout decisions, but the home is built ready for occupation.

One of the most important changes in the PPG is a recognition that the register of those who are looking for a plot to undertake their self-build and custom housebuilding may need to be supplemented with other information to measure longer term demand – perhaps to assist with developing local plan policies.  For the first time, there is explicit recognition that ‘demand assessment tools ‘can be utilised.

Three Dragons, with support from National Custom and Self Build Association, has developed a Custom and Self build Toolkit.  The toolkit provides an estimate of demand for Custom and Self-build homes, using local data. It offers local authorities a demand led, longer-term picture of demand which provides evidence to inform planning policies, such as those in an emerging local plan.

Of note is that our estimates of demand across England so far indicate that nine out of ten authorities should be planning in the longer term for the provision of more plots than the short term picture indicated by their registers.

If you would like more information about Our Custom and Self build Toolkit and planning for long term demand – please contact laura.easton@three-dragons.co.uk

If you would like to be mailed a copy of our forthcoming briefing paper on PPG and development of policy – please contact tom.marshall@three-dragons.co.uk

Tags: Increasing Housing Choice

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