The value, impact and delivery of the Community Infrastructure Levy

date Released On 9th Feb 2017

Our research report, in conjunction with the University of Reading, into the value, impact and delivery of CIL was published by DCLG on 7th February 2017 alongside the CIL Review (also known as the Peace Review) for which it was used as an evidence base.

The research covers five main areas

  • Implementing and operating CIL: the extent to which the levy is simpler and quicker to operate than individually-negotiated section 106 agreements
  • The value of CIL: how much money is being raised and what it is being spent on (or intended to be spent on)
  • Who is paying CIL: the types of development that are paying the levy
  • The neighbourhood portion of CIL: how much money is being passed on to local communities and how the ‘neighbourhood portion’ of CIL is being administered
  • The impact of CIL on development viability: what, if any, impact it is having on development viability.

The government, after considering the evidence presented on CIL will make an announcement on the future of the levy in the forthcoming autumn statement. Both the CIL Review and the Three Dragons & University of Reading research paper can be accessed here

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