Custom & self-build seminar

date Released On 5th Apr 2019

Thank you to the RTPI for making our joint seminar about custom & self-build housing a great success and to our speakers for their informative presentations. The event gave practical advice on planning, measuring demand and developing policies for delivering custom & self-build homes and included a wealth of examples from around the UK. All presentations and case studies can be accessed here.

Three Dragons has been at the forefront of research into custom & self-build housing and has been working with innovative local authorities who are keen to diversify their neighbourhoods and offer more and different  options for households by providing plots for custom & self-build. Out of this research and experience, and with the support of the Right to Build Task Force, we have developed a model for measuring potential demand for custom and self-build at a district or area level. The model offers long-term demand-led outcomes which go beyond the  short-term snapshot provided by local self-build Registers. The outcomes from the modelling can be used to inform planning policy, including local plans, and as evidence of demand at Examination.

More details are available in our leaflet Or please contact or

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